"Mind Your Own Affairs" Block Print Reproduction

"Mind Your Own Affairs" Block Print Reproduction
"Mind Your Own Affairs" is a vertical block print reproduction printed on a deckled edge cream paper (250gsm). The print is unframed and signed by Patsy on the front right hand corner.
I originally created this block print by carving out the image by hand. I rolled a velvet black ink on its surface and pressed the cotton paper against the block to imprint the image (using the back of a wooden spoon!).I titled this print, "Mind Your Own Affairs" after 1 Thessalonians 4:11 where it says, “…aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands…”
Reflections on Minding Your Own Affairs
We are called to cultivate, to build, to create, to restore, to heal, to redeem. All of it is a reflection of who God is.This is easier said than done.
We live in a fallen world where the temptation to fall idle or get distracted is high. We concern ourselves with things we probably shouldn’t be concerned about, and we forget to care for things that we do have control over.
And yet God extends grace to us each day and beckons us to join Him in His work of redeeming and restoring our broken world.