Books of the Bible Collection: "Obadiah"

Books of the Bible Collection: "Obadiah"
“Saviors shall go up to Mount Zion to rule Mount Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.” (Obadiah 1:21)
Dear Christian,
We have a sovereign and just King.
Though we may see injustices in the present, we can have full confidence that the Lord will bring about justice and righteousness at the appointed hour.
The Lord hates evil and loves what is good.
But this is the dilemma the people of God found themselves in. They were calling evil good, and calling good evil. God’s people became God’s own enemies. And yet because of God’s great love for us, He sent Jesus on a rescue mission.
While it is completely right and just for us to receive death and hell because of how we’ve ignored God, Jesus took our place so that we can take His in Heaven.
Jesus has paid it all. Praise the Lord!
Created as part of the Books of the Bible Collection where I meditate on God’s beauty and faithfulness from beginning to end for 66 days from Genesis to Revelation. Each painting will be accompanied by an envelope containing a personal reflection based on the text the painting is based on.
An 8x10 inch original watercolor painting on 100% cold pressed cotton paper, 2023.